Strategic Plan

A Sustainable Strategy

The strategic plan for IUGFS has four main components:

  1. Academic infrastructure: we are commitment to provide modern, up-to-date teaching facilities;
  2. Educational leadership and innovation: we offer courses that integrate the best of traditional field-based education, geoscience fundamentals, the latest geoscience concepts, and modern technologies for collecting, analyzing, and interpreting geoscience data;
  3. Acceptable housing: we are committed to continuously updating accommodations to provide safe and comfortable lodging for students, faculty, staff, and visitors. This is mainly done by upgrading existing facilities, but occasionally requires construction of new buildings.
  4. Affordability and sustainability: we must ensure that students, faculty, and researchers can afford to utilize IUGFS in perpetuity without relying on a large amount of financial support from IU-Bloomington;

Field Geoscience Leadership

With the most diverse and complicated geology in North America as a backdrop and the IUGFS facilities to provide a focused educational environment with minimal distractions, learning geology around IUGFS is pretty easy.  However, being a leader in field geoscience education also means continuously updating geoscience concepts, local geologic datasets, teaching materials, and equipment. 

While the rocks around IUGFS don’t change very fast, the understanding of geologic processes is continuously improving.  At IUGFS we:

  1. Utilize the outstanding geologic exposures in the IUGFS area to teach the fundamental geoscience skills and concepts necessary to understand the Earth in four-dimensions.  This includes all aspects of field geology including observation, measurement, description, understanding scale, interpreting rocks in the context of geologic processes, thinking about rock properties, etc.;
  2. Integrate the newest geologic concepts and data analysis techniques to push geologic interpretations beyond what can be observed in the field;
  3. Provide immersive training in critical thinking, the scientific method, and project management.


Donation information

For more details about our strategic plan and the campaign, contact:

Erika Elswick
Executive Director, IUGFS
Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Indiana University
1001 East 10th Street
Bloomington, IN 47405
(812) 855-2493

For more information about ways to make a gift, including gifts of stock or personal property, bequests through your estate, and gifts that provide income to you for life, please contact:

Jeff Stuckey
Director of Development
College of Arts and Sciences

I learned an unbelievable amount—it’s hands-on learning, and you can see the structures right there in front of you—but the faculty also emphasized independent thinking. I really fell in love with field geology.

Ellen Reat, IUGFS Class of 2012, M.S. 2016, Sedimentology