Course Description

Goals of the course

  • Construct several laterally consistent balanced x-sections to form the framework for a 3D structural model.
  • Build a 3D structural model in 3DMove that incorporates the surface geology, subsurface geology and relevant geology that has been eroded (the model will include the Mississippian – Upper Cretaceous).
  • Restore the 3D model to answer the following questions
    • What is the composite slip direction that explains the deformation? Can we define the minimum magnitude of the slip vector?
    • Can all the deformation be explained with a single deformational event or does it require multiple events? If multiple events are needed, what are their slip directions and minimum vector magnitudes?
    • Given the 3D geometries (e.g., shape of the 3D fault surfaces), how much northward dip post-dates the emplacement of the thrust sheets exposed in the study area?
  • Outline at least one publication that will be written from the study and define post-seminar responsibilities for the publication(s).
  • Each student will balance at least one x-section, build a 3D model and restore the 3D model.
Optional x-sections if we have 12 students
  1. Eastern foothills (footwall only?).
  2. Northern flank of J-fold through Kkg hangingwall cutoff.
  3. West side of Jefferson River.
  4. Tie-in to Sappington measured stratigraphic section traverse.