Week 5

Week 5: Monday & Tuesday

Carmichael Metamorphic Project

For two days we take a deeper dive in geologic time by doing a Precambrian metamorphic mapping and geologic analysis project across the road from the IUGFS. We map Precambrian metamorphic rock types and fabrics. Use mineral assemblages to determine metamorphic grades and P-T conditions in which they formed. Identify cross-cutting relationships, potential protoliths, and metamorphic events. We finish this project by interpreting the geologic history in the context of the Precambrian tectonics of western North America.

group photo with the logan pass road sign
students in the field writing notes

Wednesday through Friday

Northwest Montana field trip

We spend three days on a road trip to Northwest Montana to look at regional changes in stratigraphy and structural style between the IUGFS and Glacier National Park. Regional stratigraphic changes focus on the stratigraphy, depositional systems and paleoclimate of the Belt Supergroup in Glacier National Park. Structural geology differences between the IUGFS area and the Montana Disturbed Belt (the Sevier FTB north of the Helena Salient). We also look at Cenozoic extensional and transtensional tectonics of the Flathead Valley and Rocky Mountain Trench plus glacial geology of the northwest United States. We finish the trip looking at ore body formation and environmental geology of the Butte mining district.


The third independent exercise is held on Saturday. Any stratigraphy and structural styles from the course are "fair game."