Week 2

Week 2: Monday & Tuesday

Paleozoic Stratigraphy

Focus on learning the stratigraphy of the carbonate dominated Paleozoic rocks in the IUGFS area. We look at and describe the stratigraphy in multiple locations, identifying what stratigraphic observations are common to each formation regardless of location. Emphasis is placed on interpretation of depositional environment and we discuss lithological variations that reflect paleogeography or changes in depositional facies. We also learn how to identify when a formation is anomalously thick or thin, how to use the scientific method to develop and test multiple working hypotheses about the potential causes for anomalous thicknesses, and how to choose the “most likely” solution that will you allow you to continue your fieldwork.

Wednesday through Friday

Reconnaissance mapping of Mt. Doherty

We do a reconnaissance scale mapping and geologic analysis project with the stratigraphy we just learned. We use traditional field mapping tools (Brunton compass, air photos, topographic maps, etc.) for 2-days of mapping in a structurally complex, 4 mi2 area involving the Mississippian and older stratigraphy. The primary products of the exercise are the geologic map, a reconnaissance scale geologic cross section, structural analysis, a 3D understanding of the structural architecture, and a description of the geologic history.


Preparation for independent exercises (field exams)

The first graded independent exercise is on Saturday in an area with deformed Precambrian through Mississippian stratigraphy.