Course Schedule

Course schedule

Before arriving, pre-read the assignments: geology of the IUGFS area; balancing cross sections; and 3D modeling software docs.

Day 0: Arrive at IUGFS by 6 p.m. for introductions, safety briefing, course goals and schedule discussion.

Day 1: (FS) Highway 2 map, x-section topo profiles, stratigraphy and formation thicknesses, define field teams, define each team’s work assignments, introduction to the software and workflows.

Day 2: (field) Field introduction to the stratigraphic units and reconnaissance of the structural geology

Day 3: (field) Each team collects field data for their first dip x-section and starts building that x-section.

Day 4: (FS) Cross-team agreement on lateral consistency and preliminary balancing the first x-sections

Day 5: (field) Each team collects field data for their second dip x-section and starts building those x-sections, one team also does Jefferson River cut x-section.

Day 6: (FS) Cross-team agreement on lateral consistency of all dip x-sections and near-final balancing of dip x-sections.

Day 7: (FS and field) Build strike x-sections, agree on 3D consistency, field checking to resolve any questions or disputes.

Day 8: (FS) 3D model building.

Day 9: (FS) Finish 3D model building and start 3D reconstruction.

Day 10: (FS) Finish 3D reconstruction, interpret what it means and identify of any pitfalls in the logic.

Day 11: (field) Summarize interpretation results, walk through field area to discuss the interpretation.

Day 12: (FS) Define publication ideas, outline each publication, assign post-course responsibilities, adjourn by 4:00 p.m. Depart IUGFS either the evening of Day 12 or the following morning.